Till Database Module is a system module, that is used for handling database (DB) activities.
- connstr – connection string
- sqlerror – last SQL error
- connect – connect to database according to connection string
- disconnect – close database connection
- connected – state of connection
- execute – execute query (command) and return state of execution
- value – run query that return a single value
- list – run query that return list of values
- all – run query and return list of records that has all rows data
This module handles only MS-SQL databases. In the reference there is a directory “/system modules/database” with extensive code examples that demonstrate how to construct and work with databases. In the demonstration, we setup a database “geodb” and build sample tables (directory “setup”), then, multiple queries are run and the results are analyzed and shown.
Program from reference “/database/ms sql/setup/geodb.create.till” that demonstrate how to create database “geodb”:
! =========== GEODB SETUP (MS SQL) ===========
! To setup geodb database, first run geodb.create.till,
! then run geodb.build.till
! To check if geodb database and tables were created
! successfully, run geodb.show.till
! if geodb database exists, only countries and
! mountains tables will be dropped
! if set to true, existing database will be dropped
! limit the time to check sql operations validity
timeout TIMEOUT 5
dbexistcmd 'select count(*) from sys.databases where name=`geodb`'
tablesexistcmd 'SELECT count(*) FROM geodb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES '
tablesexistcmd ++ 'WHERE TABLE_TYPE = `BASE TABLE` '
tablesexistcmd ++ 'AND (TABLE_NAME = `countries` OR TABLE_NAME = `mountains`)'
! perform 'clean' connection, in order to handle databases
! set data source acc. to SQL server name
dbm mssqldb 'data source=JAGUAR\SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=true;connection timeout=60;'
dbexist \f
dbm.value dbexistcmd ? dbexist \t
dbexist * FORCEDROP ?
print 'dropping database `geodb`...'
dropok \f
timeout TIMEOUT
pause 1
timeout --
dbm.value dbexistcmd ? % dropok \t
not timeout ? %
dropok ? print 'dropped ok.' + newline \ exiterror dbm.sqlerror
print 'creating database `geodb`...'
createok \f
timeout TIMEOUT
dbm.execute 'CREATE DATABASE geodb;' ?
pause 1
dbm.value dbexistcmd ? % createok \t
not timeout ? %
createok ? print 'created ok.' + newline \ exiterror dbm.sqlerror
! connect to geodb database
! set data source acc. to SQL server name
geodb mssqldb 'data source=JAGUAR\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=geodb;integrated security=true;connection timeout=60;'
not dropdb ?
print 'dropping tables: `mountains`, `countries`...'
dropok \f
timeout TIMEOUT
geodb.execute 'DROP TABLE mountains; DROP TABLE countries;' ?
pause 1
timeout --
geodb.value tablesexistcmd ? % dropok \t
not timeout ? %
dropok ? print 'dropped ok.' + newline \ exiterror dbm.sqlerror
! ATTENTION: MS SQL accepts only apostrophe symbols ('), as
! quotation marks. Do replace all apostrophe
! symbols with backtick symbols (`).
cmd ''
cmd ++ 'CREATE TABLE [dbo].[countries] ('
cmd ++ ' [id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,'
cmd ++ ' [name] NVARCHAR (20) DEFAULT (``) NOT NULL,'
cmd ++ ');'
cmd ++ 'CREATE TABLE [dbo].[mountains] ('
cmd ++ ' [id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,'
cmd ++ ' [name] NVARCHAR (20) DEFAULT (``) NOT NULL,'
cmd ++ ' [country] INT NOT NULL,'
cmd ++ ' [height] INT NOT NULL,'
cmd ++ ' CONSTRAINT [FK_mountains_countries] FOREIGN KEY ([country]) REFERENCES [dbo].[countries] ([id])'
cmd ++ ');'
geodb.execute cmd
pause 1
num geodb.value tablesexistcmd
num 2 ?
print 'tables created successfully.'
print 'tables creation failed!' + newline
print geodb.sqlerror
exiterror err:
print 'operation ended unsuccessfully!'
print 'sql error can be found in geodb.create.tilldebug file'
@ print err
pause 5
Program from reference “/database/ms sql/single/database.connect.single.till” that demonstrate how to construct the module and connect to DB:
! connect to MS SQL server
connstr 'Data Source=JAGUAR\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=geodb;Integrated Security=True;connection timeout=60;'
mssqldb connstr
! connect to MS SQL server
mssqldb.connected ?
print 'Connected to MS SQL server successfully.'
print 'Connection failed!' + newline
print mssqldb.sqlerror
print '________________________________________' + newline
! connect to MS SQL database
dbname 'geodb'
connstr 'data source=JAGUAR\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=' + dbname + ';integrated security=true;connection timeout=60;'
mssqldb connstr
mssqldb.connected ?
print 'Connected to mssqldb `' + dbname + '` successfully.'
print 'Connection failed!' + newline
print mssqldb.sqlerror
Connected to MS SQL server successfully.
Connected to database 'geodb' successfully.
Program from reference “/database/ms sql/single/database.value.single.till” that demonstrate how to get value from DB:
mssqldb 'data source=JAGUAR\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=geodb;integrated security=true;connection timeout=60;'
print mssqldb.value 'select count(*) from countries'
Function “value” gets the query and returns one value.
Program from reference “/database/ms sql/single/database.list.single.till” that demonstrate how to get list of values from DB:
mssqldb 'data source=JAGUAR\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=geodb;integrated security=true;connection timeout=60;'
names mssqldb.list 'select name from countries'
names name ~ print name
List variable “names” get result of querying the DB for list of names.
Program from reference “/database/ms sql/single/database.all.single.till” that demonstrate how to get list of rows from DB and analyze the result:
mssqldb 'data source=JAGUAR\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=geodb;integrated security=true;connection timeout=60;'
countries mssqldb.all 'select * from countries'
! access countries data by looping
cmax len countries
i cmax ~
c { id 0 name ''}
c countries i
print c.id + ': ' + c.name
List “countries” will have records that hold query result data. Each record will hold result row items where the keys are the column names and the values are the respective result values. For analyzing the results, we implement a looping, where each item (row) of “countries” is relayed to a row record “c” that have the expected column names as keys.